Wildwoods Encampment - MTX

When in Wildwoods...

...we find a good spot,

and make a pretty base.



What my wildwood encampment would look like if I had one. Pretty MTX heavy as usual.


Enjoy!~ <3


16 August, 2024 - 05:18


17 August, 2024 - 05:22

She just keeps getting better and better. Girl's on FIRE! Keep 'em comin' ;)

25 August, 2024 - 14:22

thank you!<3

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Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 590
Uses MTX: Yes

Decoration name MTX Count
Affliction Guild Stash Yes 1
Affliction Stash Yes 1
Cauldron Map Device Yes 1
Cosmic Turtle Musical Instruments Yes 2
Cosmic Turtle Tree Yes 7
Falling Leaves Yes 2
Heritage Environmental Effect Yes 1
Incandescent Fungus Yes 3
Overseer Environmental Effect Yes 1
Siren Environmental Effect Yes 2
Trialmaster Hideout Decoration Yes 1
Well Objects Yes 1
White Lights Yes 2
Wide Light Beam Yes 2
Wisp Swarm Yes 4
Woodland Objects Yes 2
Alva No 1
Crafting Bench No 1
Dannig, Warrior Skald No 1
Einhar No 1
Gwennen, the Gambler No 1
Helena No 1
Horticrafting Station No 1
Jun No 1
Kirac No 1
Navali No 1
Niko No 1
Rog, the Dealer No 1
Sister Cassia No 1
Tane Octavius No 1
Tujen, the Haggler No 1
Waypoint No 1
Zana No 1
Expedition Locker No 1
Heist Locker No 1
Slave Pens Barrel No 1
Foothills Grass No 1
Swamp Tree Stump No 2
Vaal Marker No 1
Webbed Tree No 1
Decorated Tree No 8
Sarn Palm No 5
Swamp Tree No 1
Arakaali Egg No 3
Glowing Embers No 1
Rotten Stump No 6
Ryslatha Tree No 4
Thick Trees No 18
Beast Egg stalk No 1
Decorated Trees No 2
Basket No 1
Forest Flowers No 9
Fern No 15
Flax Plant No 1
Forest Tree No 3
Lush Tree No 12
Pot Line No 1
Tree No 5
Agave Plant No 12
Dry Tree No 1
Red Grass No 1
Mossy Wall Arch No 2
The Last to Die No 1
Thicket Tree No 1
Lava Glow No 2
Sarn Tree No 7
Large Whale Skeleton Ribs No 2
Maple Tree No 1
Affliction Altar No 1
Affliction Candle No 58
Affliction Dust No 16
Affliction Effigy No 18
Affliction Frame No 66
Affliction Hut No 5
Affliction Statue No 1
Affliction Tuber No 31
Affliction Well No 3
Bare Branches No 5
Faustus, the Financier No 1
Image of Undertaker Arimor No 1
Johan, the King's Hand No 1
Lotus Bench No 6
Planter Box No 5
Rising Smoke No 1
Bare Tree No 2
Blue Light Beam No 3
Raging Fire No 3
Thick Smoke No 1
Lilly Roth No 1
Lotus Terrace Stand No 5
Mountain Spring No 1
Mushroom Cluster No 34
Urn No 1
Iron Lantern No 16
Metal Lantern No 1
Oil Lamp No 1
Relic Stand No 1
Oriath Barrels No 1
Temple Stool No 1
Wooden Planks No 3
Blocking Volume No 12
Candelabrum No 1
Oriathan Books No 3
Temple Chair No 2
Wood Ground No 3
Arena Petals No 14
Plant Pot No 2
Sky Shrine Rubble No 11
Sand Tracks No 8
Image of Catarina No 1
Pohutukawa Tree No 37
Verdant Tree No 12
Latest version: 1.0

Version number MTX Publish date Total favor Total decorations Downloads Link
1.0 Yes 2024-08-16 03:53:57 2,924,742 590 268 Download

1.0 | 16 Aug 2024 - 03:53

Initial release

Wildwoods Nocturnal Hideout Mtx